World Hypertension Day

World Hypertension Day is observed every May 17th in order to raise awareness and promote hypertension prevention, detection and control. High blood pressure is the main risk factor for many cardiac ailments . “Know your numbers” is this year’s theme The theme for World Hypertension Day this year is Know Your Numbers with a goal […]

Update:2018-05-17 06:55 IST

World Hypertension Day is observed every May 17th in order to raise awareness and promote hypertension prevention, detection and control. High blood pressure is the main risk factor for many cardiac ailments .

“Know your numbers” is this year’s theme The theme for World Hypertension Day this year is Know Your Numbers with a goal of increasing high blood pressure (BP) awareness in all populations around the world. In 2018, WHL (World Hypertension League) in conjunction with the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) will also promote May Measurement Month (MMM).

Hypertension is a silent killer
As per a CSI survey, one in every three Indians is suffering from hypertension and heart ailments are responsible for over 30 percent of deaths in the country. Increasingly diagnosed in young adults In India, hypertension is being increasingly diagnosed in young adults, as is diabetes, leading to theory that Indians are more prone for these twin diseases. As per the new guidelines for treating hypertension, the 140/ 90 cutoff is now lowered to 130/ 80 mm Hg. This actually increases the patient load tremendously.

The old adage that prevention is better than cure is very true hypertension. Recognizing the risk factors that contribute to high blood pressure and preventing them goes a long way in keeping this chronic disesase away. Being overweight, drinking alcohol, stress, smoking and not getting enough physical activity are all risk factors for hypertension.


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