PM announces launch of Ayushman Bharat from September 25th
As part of Independence day speech from the ramparts of the Red fort, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the launch of the Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Abhiyaan(PMJAA) from September 25th. It will be the world’s largest health care scheme, benefiting more than 10 crore poor families and promises to provide cover of Rs 5 lakh […]

As part of Independence day speech from the ramparts of the Red fort, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the launch of the Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Abhiyaan(PMJAA) from September 25th. It will be the world’s largest health care scheme, benefiting more than 10 crore poor families and promises to provide cover of Rs 5 lakh per family annually.
Also called National Health Protection Mission (NHPM) ,it has to be seen how the country’s large health problems can be solved by this insurance cover. Already the existing insurance policies are plagued by compensation claims by unnecessary diagnostic tests and procedures.
Apart from this project, the PM also announced permanent commission for women officers on short service commission in uniformed services and an ambitious plan to send “a son or daughter to space by 2022.
- Aarogya Abhiyaan(PMJAA)AnnouncesAyushman BharatBJPCONgressEnglish national newsenglish news portalsGenral newsInternational newsInternational telugu newslaunchNarendra ModiNational Health Protection MissionNational Health Protection Mission (NHPM)National newsNational PoliticsNational telugu newsNHPMPMPM announces launch of Ayushman Bharat from September 25thPMJAApolitical news teluguPradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya AbhiyaanPublic newsSeptember 25thTDPtelugu global english news portaltelugu global newstelugu global news portaltelugu global telugu news portalTelugu international newsTelugu national newsTelugu NewsTelugu political newstelugu political partiestelugu politicstelugu politics newstelugu rajakiyaluteluguglobal.comteluguglobal.inTRS