Saline drip for 700-year-old
Think Mahaboobnagar, think Pillalamarri, the 700 year old banyan tree. The tree, spread in over 3 km area, is one of the rarest trees in the world. But now, this legendary tree is passing through troubled times. Part of it has fallen down and the trunk has been eaten away by termites. The chemical treatment […]

Think Mahaboobnagar, think Pillalamarri, the 700 year old banyan tree. The tree, spread in over 3 km area, is one of the rarest trees in the world.
But now, this legendary tree is passing through troubled times. Part of it has fallen down and the trunk has been eaten away by termites. The chemical treatment has proved counter productive. The botanists and the district administration, led by collector Ronald Ross are now trying to breathe life into the 700-year-old tree.
They are applying anti-termite Chlorpyriphos to the plant. Intially, they sought to infuse the medicine through syringes. But, this has failed. Hence, they are now trying to give drip to the tree. So, the experts have come up with an ingenious idea of giving the drip of liquid containing the medicine just as one administers saline to the patients.
Forest official Gangareddy said that the visitors can have a look at the plant from a distance. They would not be allowed to touch the plant.
- 700-year-oldChlorpyriphosEnglish national newsGangareddyGenral newsInternational newsInternational telugu newsmahaboobnagarNational newsNational telugu newsPillalamarripolitical news teluguPublic newsSaline dripSaline drip for 700-year-oldTelugu international newsTelugu national newsTelugu NewsTelugu political news