Mehreen to star opposite Vijay Devarakonda ?
Vijay Devarakonda is currently working under Rahul Sankrityayan’s direction for ‘Taxi Wallah.’ The film is set for a release this summer. Immediately after this, Vijay will take up a Tamil project ‘Parasuram Bujji.’ The film’s shoot will begin this month and anand Sankar will direct this movie. Sources from the unit say that they have […]

Vijay Devarakonda is currently working under Rahul Sankrityayan’s direction for ‘Taxi Wallah.’ The film is set for a release this summer. Immediately after this, Vijay will take up a Tamil project ‘Parasuram Bujji.’
The film’s shoot will begin this month and anand Sankar will direct this movie. Sources from the unit say that they have approached Mehreen Kaur Peerzada to play foil to Vijay. An official announcement would be made soon.