Nanna Nenu Naa Boyfriends Review
Director : Bhaskar Bandi Producer : Bekkem Venugopal Music Director : Sekhar Chandra Starring : Rao Ramesh, Hebah Patel, Tejaswi Madivada, Ashwin, Parvateesam, Noel Rating : 2/ 5 Padmavathi aka Paddu is the only daughter of a rich man Raghava Rao (Rao Ramesh). He never disagrees with Paddu and can do anything to please her. […]

Director : Bhaskar Bandi
Producer : Bekkem Venugopal
Music Director : Sekhar Chandra
Starring : Rao Ramesh, Hebah Patel, Tejaswi Madivada, Ashwin, Parvateesam, Noel
Rating : 2/ 5
Padmavathi aka Paddu is the only daughter of a rich man Raghava Rao (Rao Ramesh). He never disagrees with Paddu and can do anything to please her.
Paddu comes to Hyderabad for a job and stays with her friend Maggy (Tejaswi). She selects three boys- a football player Gokul (Noel), a trainee cop Nani (Ashwin) and a preist Namo (Parvateesam) on Facebook. She tries to lure them by moving closely. As expected all the three boys fall in love with her. This lands her in a tricky situation as she is unable to pick a right candidate. What happens next? Who will she marry in the end? forms the crux of the story.
Hebah Patel is evolving with each film. She looked cute and charming.
Rao Ramesh steals the show with his dialogue delivery and mannerisms. His mature performance is the only saving grace for this film. Tejaswi picking roles that don’t give her any scope to show her acting skills.
Noel and Parvateesam have done decent job. Shakalaka Shankar tried to bring a few laughs. Others performed according to their roles.
Sekhar Chandra’s music is mediocre. One song is watchable because of Hebah, but the music is a total letdown. Camera work by Chota K Naidu is very impressive. Production values are good but the editing could have been better in the second half. First half is entertaining and the second half starts off well. But Bhaskar Bandi lost grip over the screenplay with overdose of emotions.
The film doesn’t offer a wee bit of freshness in any form and it has many outdated scenes. The sentiment thread between Rao Ramesh and Hebbah Patel is not worked out well. All the scenes are predictable and the pace of the film is slow in the second half. The characters of three youngsters are not etched properly. The climax and pre-climax scenes make you cringe. Overall, Nanna Nenu Naa Boyfriends ended up as a boring fare.
- Ashwin BabuB Sai KrishnaBekkem VenugopalBhaskar BandiChota K NaiduChota K PrasadDil RajuHebah PatelKerintha fame NookarajuLucky MediaNanna Nenu Naa Boy Friends complete storyNanna Nenu Naa Boy Friends genuine reviewNanna Nenu Naa Boy Friends movie honest opinionNanna Nenu Naa Boy Friends Telugu Movie ReviewNanna Nenu Naa Boy Friends Telugu ReviewNanna Nenu Naa Boyfriends MovieNanna Nenu Naa Boyfriends Movie Public ReviewNanna Nenu Naa Boyfriends Movie RatingNanna Nenu Naa Boyfriends Movie ReviewNanna Nenu Naa Boyfriends RatingNanna Nenu Naa Boyfriends ReviewNanna Nenu Naa Boyfriends Telugu Movie Reviewnenu nana na boy friends movie telugu reviewNNNB critics reviewNNNB movie ratingsNoel SeanPrasanna Kumar BezawadaRao RameshSekhar ChandraTejaswi MadivadaTelugu Movie ReviewsTelugu Reviews